When the blind pressure is low you should play really tight. Be patient and play tight early in the sit and go.In order to become a winner at sit and go poker you need to be good a certain things. Normal payout structure for 6 handed sit and go’s are two prizes. The normal payout structure for a nine handed sit and go are as follow with three prizes.

There is 900$ (100 x 9) in the prize pool and 81$ (9 x 9) that goes to rake. In a one table tournament with 100+9$ buy in. Prize pools for sit and go’s varies with the number of players in it. Other popular formats were heads up sit and gos and 6-max SNGs. But as the players and the sites evolved many different versions popped up. With about ten minut blind level intervals. When sit and gos was first launched it was usually a single table with nine or ten players. Since bigger tournaments take a long time to play and many players don’t want to be stuck in a tournament for 6-12 hours the format got popular really quick. But the real breakthrough for the poker format was during the mid 2000´s when online poker was booming. Sit and go´s are also played live in real casinos, for example during the World Series Of Poker (WSOP). But there can be as many more players on sit and go tournaments on big poker operators such as Pokerstars.Ī sit and go is played with a fixed starting stack for all players, and if you lose all your chips you are eliminated from the tournament. Sit and go’s are usually single table tournaments with 2,5,6 or 9 players. Sit and go tournaments (SNG´s) are online poker tournaments that starts when a predefined number of players have registered for the tournament.

You can see my sit and go poker win rate graph at Pokerstars below. In this post I will teach you everything about sit and go strategy and how to beat them. I, Johan Sunnanangs aka “HOMERos”, have played thousands of poker sit and go´s and I have won over 100.000$ playing them on different poker sites.